Monday, December 16, 2013

Are You Mentally Tough Enough?

Everyone has a different view on what it means to be successful.
Work, school, relationships, etc.  Most people put so much focus on judging others for their actions but rarely do look at their own.  Did you know that your attitude can dictate just how successful you can become?  Have you ever sat back and reviewed your progress?  Not just of the things you do every day but HOW you do them....

I've been trying to better myself in a lot of ways lately.  It's not easy to change.  It's even more difficult to admit that the way you act and react is not up to par.  It's ironic that a coworker shared this with me now and it's pretty accurate with my goals.


As you read through these try to think of yourself on an every day basis.  Take note of what you can change to become a better you.  Read these every morning to remind yourself of your goals.  "We are what we repeatedly do."  Consistency is going to turn these actions/reactions in to habits and you will be successful in improving yourself.

They understand that complaining doesn't make the situation better.  They know that people won't treat them the way they want to be treated, circumstances might not be ideal, and they will experience adversity, however, rather than complain about the negative aspects of their situation, they focus on what they want to happen and what they are going to do about it.

They are not people pleasers.  They are relentless in their pursuit of their passion and aren't worried about what other people think.  They give power to what they focus on and if they waste their time focusing on the opinions of others they lose sight of the things that will make them truly successful.

They are always looking for ways to evolve.  They believe that if they continue to give their best, their best will continue to get better over time.  With the competition continuing to get bigger, stronger, faster and smarter, it's important to have the mindset to improve by learning from successes and failures.

The mentally tough swing for the fences and know that it might mean striking out a few times (or many times).  Their purpose for achieving greatness casts away their fear of failure.  They refuse to tip-toe through life, they intend on creating a legacy for the future by making an impact in the here-and-now.

They refuse to waste time focusing on things they can't control because there is nothing they can do about it.  They understand that the less control a person feels the more susceptible they are to making poor decisions, failing into bad habits and crumbling under pressure.

I think there is always room for improvement.  You just have to keep an open mind.  Don't wait until the New Year to decide to change...waiting only means you are not committed to the change and in this case you are just setting yourself up on a slippery slope.

You fail when you give up.  
Commit, be consistent and  you will never fail.

Saturday, December 7, 2013


So I've decided to become an Advocare distributor!  There are nothing but good things said about this business as well as the products!  This is perfect for anyone who wants to run their own business and make great money without having to put in a large amount to get started.  For me I am very interested in the Fitness industry so I have a different perspective although I am also looking forward to the extra income :)  There is a $79 start up fee and includes the kit below that I just received!

So I just got my kit in the mail which came with....

All the ins and outs of the business, the products and stories of  those who have risen to the top with their business.  My Advocare website also provides me with many tools on how to succeed.  Not to mention the team you start under will be there to answer any questions and help you to get your business to grow!

If you are reading this because you are interested in the business side feel free to check out my site ( or email me at

 It also came with samples of the Advocare Spark Energy Drink.
Each drink mix will get you 21 vitamins, minerals and nutrients to spark (hehe) your energy levels and mental focus!!
Comes in **8 flavors**
OH!  There is also only **45 calories per serving** and it is **sugar free**

I tried this one out already and OMG it tastes like candy.  I could definitely tell that I had more energy and was glad I drank it when I did because I was entering what turned in to a 5 hour study session!  

 And also some samples of Advocare SLAM energy drink supplement which is perfect for someone who is on-the-go because each bottle is small, only 2 fl oz.
Has key vitamins and nutrients that help keep energy levels UP and also help improve your mental focus and clarity.
Each bottle has the same amount of caffeine as a cup of coffee but is sugar free and has no energy crash!

I will definitely be trying this product in the upcoming week!  Tons of finals are coming up!!

I'll be posting more about Advocare and their products as I try them.  I will write a separate post about the Advocare 10 Day Cleanse and 24-Day Challenge which are the two most popular challenges that Advocare has to offer.  

Personally I will be doing the 24 Day Challenge at the start of the New Year!  What better way to kick off those fitness goals :) :)

If you have any questions about the Advocare products or want me to send you a sample of either of the products I received just shoot me an email at and check out the products offered here ->

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups!

If you are following me on Instagram you may have seen this one....and if not, go find me :)  @nicolesfitlife !!

After months of seeing clean homemade peanut butter cups posted on Instagram I finally got around to making them myself.  The recipe I used comes from Chilali13 (  The recipe is also posted by laliandlayla.


Chocolate Layer: 1 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp agave nector
**I added a touch of extra peanut butter here .... <3 LOVE PB <3

PB Layer: 2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp raw cacao
1 tbsp agave nector

 These are seriously so easy to make.  I didn't have any small cupcake papers so I just made 3 larger PB cups.   I put a chocolate later then stuck it in the freezer until it firmed up.  The next layer I spread peanut butter evenly in the center then a ring of chocolate around it, then back in the freezer.  I did that a couple times then just a chocolate layer on top!  


If you love peanut butter cups you MUST give this recipe a try!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Recipe Review: Fig Newtons!

A woman at work brought in fresh home grown figs.  I've never baked with them before but grabbed a few and decided I could find some sort of clean mug cake that used them in the recipe.  I found something better...Homemade Fig Newtons!!  I just have to say first how EASY they are to make.  Definitely a better way to eat the treat without the additives that make it an 'unclean' choice.

CLICK HERE for the recipe!  
is a blog by Melissa, who shares her healthy lifestyle journey, clean recipes and many tips!  You should go check it out...I already found many more recipes I would like to try making!

I substituted a I used agave nectar for maple syrup because I did not have it on  hand.  I also added a lot more cinnamon than the recipe calls for.  Keep in mind when rolling the dough, a good amount of flour was needed to keep it from sticking to the table.  When I made it, I cut the recipe in three so what you see here is how many that made!

So I got 12 fig newtons making 1/3 of the recipe.  Here is a picture  to show the size I made them...

ENJOY!  And don't forget to check out Melissa's website!!

Thursday, June 20, 2013

2 Days Out

Need I say more?  I am feeling so drained.  I just keep telling myself "Don't think...just 'do'."  Something that I read off of another competitors blog.  And so far it is helping with the physical workout aspect of this prep.  I am craving a ridiculous amount of foods and am VERY HANGRY.  Of course I would torture myself though by looking up delicious recipes that I want to try making during my 'improvement season'.  

The NPC Garden States will be my last competition until this coming Fall and I am really excited to start experimenting with clean cooking!!!

Since all I seem to be doing today is looking at recipes....but really the pictures of the final product....I am going to share the websites with you!  They all have amazing recipes and aren't hard to make at all.  ENJOY :)

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

4 Days Out ???

I had planned on my next show being the NPC Garden State Championships on June 22nd.  The show is 4 days away and I do NOT feel ready to be on stage again.  I have been cheating here and there in addition to not getting back into my routine as soon as I should have after the first show.  The doubt just keeps this 'off-track' cycle going!  I am meeting with my Coach Justine today for a training session.  I wish I had met with her earlier because I don't think there is much I can do to change my physique over the next few days.  We will see what she says though!  

For some reason the motivation just is not sticking this time around.  Even though not much time has passed since the Long Island Championships I just do not feel as excited!!!  I am eating my meals and following my workout schedule but it just feels so routine right now.  Even when I get compliments or get a little boost from some outside motivation quotes etc it just isn't staying with me.  I need to get this figured out!!! grrrr

Post Show Thoughts

It's about time I write this post don't you think???  It's been some time since my competition but it feels like much longer!  I definitely felt the post-competition 'blues' and still am a bit.  I couldn't get back into my prep routine for days!  I didn't have a set plan (despite the warnings I read about not having one :-x ), I thought I would be able to just eat clean knowing that I had to get back into competition mode.  That did not quite happen...I indulged way more than I should have and I'll leave it at that.  I wish that I had someone close to me who was involved in competitions or who had the same lifestyle to kick me back into gear!!  I think it was good that I experienced this feeling of no control though so that I can better be prepared for next time.

So just in case you are not following me is a **LINK** to pictures that were taken by Rx Muscle.  I also have some posted on my Facebook page **HERE** with a few more I have yet to post!

I definitely recommend having someone with you the entire day of your first show.  I got my 3rd coat of tan that morning then went to my makeup appointment.  I was so calm at both.  Then I was waiting in the venue for check-in and as soon as other competitors began to arrive I was a nervous wreck!!!!  And forgetting my headphones was the worst thing I could have done.  I couldn't find any way to calm myself.  The lack of air conditioning didn't help either...the hotter I felt the more nervous I got about ruining my tan.  Once I was checked in, the meeting was over and we went back stage I felt much better.  I hung out with the other competitor that my coach had trained and that helped a bunch since this was her first show also!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Zzz Zzz Zzz

I'm at the end of my final week of prep!!!  I'm not going to try and hide it...I am EXHAUSTED.  I wish that I had the time to take a nap each day.  Today was my last gym workout and I couldn't be happier to have tomorrow as a REST day :) :)  I will be able the get the rest I need tonight and tomorrow :)

Nothing is impossible...I have had moments where I thought I could not push through my workout or find the time to prep my meals and do laundry and every other little task on my list.  I realized that I have to stop and give myself a mental pep talk :-p  The more you believe you can do something and the more positive  you are about your situation the better the outcome will be!

I have posted some updates on Facebook and Instagram but just in case you aren't following on either of those (WHY AREN'T YOU??)....Here are a couple...

I have a few more little things to buy and my meals for Saturday to prep!  I am looking forward to getting to bed early tonight so I better go get started!!

Come back tomorrow...I just might reveal my competition suit ;)

Monday, May 20, 2013

Week 8

2 WEEKS OUT!!!!!!!

Itty Bitty Teeny Weeny Emerald Mist Competition Bikini! haha...  Super excited to have my suit!  I'm going to keep it a secret until the morning of my competition ;) I will be living in this for the next few weeks to get comfortable with it...SO TINY!  If you are following me on IG then you have seen my sneak preview of my suit :)

These pics aren't the greatest...I wish I could let myself post the ones of me in my competition suit!  But NO! Not yet :) 


No more cheat meals!  Time to get even more focused that I have been throughout the past 8 weeks.  I'm excited to see the process of the next 2 weeks unfold and how my body reacts to the workout/meal plan changes that my coach makes for me.  I have a National Qualifier show set up for June 22nd, 3 weeks after my first competition!!  Once that is over I seriously have no idea what I am going to do!  Everything right now is revolved around this goal...
I have been searching for blogs by girls who have competed and what it is like when the competition is over.  I came across this AMAZING blog by Jen and she has a post that is exactly what I was looking for.  It is called "The Big COMP is Over - So What Now?" I will have to meet with Justine on this and find out what I really should be eating on a daily basis when I am not training for a competition.  I am excited to see how I feel about being on stage.  If I LOVE it then I will continue competing.  If I HATE it then I am going to have to figure out a new goal to set for myself.  

It makes me feel good to be accomplishing something that others have tried to (verbally) keep me from doing.  I did not take on this challenge for anyone else but myself.  You can't forget about what you want to do with your life because of the opinions of others.  I actually do not think I was mentally ready at that point last year which is why I made excuses to not go through with it.  When you are sure about the direction you want to take your life and the steps that need to be done in order to get there you go through this change.  I have begun to take many steps in order to put my career in the direction of the fitness industry.  I have some opportunities and I am going to grab every single one and run with it!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Small changes = Big results

Are you someone who thinks that you have to eat less of what you love and spend hours in the gym to get in shape or lose weight?  Well stop right there...all this is going to do is stress you, tire you and push you in the opposite direction you are looking to go.

There is one way that is guaranteed to get you the results you are looking for...consistency of eating clean and exercise.  BE PATIENT.  The world today is all about quick results but the truth is, changes with your body are going to take time.  One day of healthy eating is a good start but you have to allow your body to react to the changes. 

So what is this Clean Eating lifestyle all about anyways???

-Eat 5-6 meals a day, spacing them out for every few hours
-Balance each meal with lean protein, a complex carbohydrate and
-Stick to unprocessed whole foods (Fresh fruits & veggies, lean meat, whole grains)
-Drink plenty of water (at LEAST 8 cups)  keeping other types of beverages to a minimum.
-Eat healthy fats (oils, nuts, fish, avocados)

It is going to take a little effort to be able to follow a schedule where you eat every 3 hours.  Go through your normal routine and take note of when you are eating now.  When do you have your first meal?  Your last?  How often do you snack?  Where are you for all of these meals?  Most people will be at work for the majority of their meals.  So you are going to have to prepare meals and snacks to take with you.  If your job has a refrigerator, perfect.  If not, purchase a small cooler that you can bring with you.  

It is really easy to lose track of how much you are eating when you are snacking throughout the day.  This is where the schedule of your meals and snacks will help.  Once your body gets into the groove of scheduled meals you will have less cravings because you are not just eating enough but you are eating the correct things to keep you full until your next meal or snack.

Now this is one of the best tips I have seen...Shop the perimeter of the grocery store.  This is where the freshest items are going to be.  This doesn't mean that everything else in the store is bad for you...brown rice, oils, and natural nut butters are all in the center of the store.  If you are going to grab something off the shelf, check the ingredient list first, the fewer listed the better.  Really test yourself and pay attention to how and from where you get your grocery items!!

Parking further away from your office building or the store you are going to shop at and taking the stairs instead of the elevator may seem like such a minor changes.  If you add up all of those extra steps and movements that your body is making it really will make a difference.  Not only that, it makes you feel better knowing that you are doing something good for your body.  Not to mention that exercise is a natural mood booster :)

You don't have to go overboard and go to the gym every single day to get results.  If you don't go at all, start small with 1-3 days a week then increase until you find a routine of 3-5 days a week.

FALSE.  You need to make sure you are incorporating cardio AND strength training.  A lot of people out there don't like to lift weights but it really is beneficial to reaching your goals.  The look most people are going for is a slender, lean muscle look and you won't get that with cardio alone.

There is so much information out there on the internet these days.  All you have to do is search 'clean eating recipes'.  I have been experimenting with clean desserts.  My favorite out of everything I have tried so far is Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Avocado Mousse.  YUMM!

It's been a while since I've made it...and it will probably be one of the first things I make after my competition!  I never really measure anything...I just mix and taste and then add what I think it needs! 
1 Avacado
~2 Tbsp Cocoa Powder
~1 tsp Vanilla
Agave Nectar or honey to taste
Splash of Almond Milk
Add peanut butter, cinnamon, nuts, or fruit to your liking.


I am no expert and I did not create any of the theories or tips above.  No one can really take credit for it...You are eating natural unprocessed foods and getting regular exercise.  These are things that I have learned by doing some research and living a healthy lifestyle myself.  Try them out and figure out what works best for you to get the results that you want!!!

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 4 and 5...

There is just not enough time in the day!  Have I said this before?  If I have it's because it is true and I have been struggling to find a balance between everything.  The constant tackling of my never-ending to-do list is making the days and weeks just fly by!

I got struck with food poisoning last weekend and I haven't made time to catch up on my posts...SORRY!  Before the sickness kicked in I was actually in the middle of a great photo shoot on the beach.  I am looking forward to working with this photographer again because we had a ton of great ideas that we did not get to try.  I will be posting the pictures on my facebook page soon but here is a teaser....

I am now more than halfway through my competition prep!!!  I am noticing more changes in my muscles now, especially in my lower body and obliques (I thought it would never happen!) and I am extremely happy with my progress!!!  So let me see...


Heels? CHECK

Competition Application? SUBMITTED 


Tanning Appointment?  BOOKED

Now I just have to...

Here are my 5 Week Progress Pics...

Since I don't post in my blog nearly as much as I would like, be sure to follow my other social media accounts to see what i'm up to :)