Sunday, March 31, 2013

Week one

This week went really good overall. :) :) It's a good thing I have strong willpower and dedication to this competition because I was tempted on more than one occasion with goodies brought into work!!!  And then of course I wanted to try making Easter cake licking out the bowl this time :(  They were fun even though they don't exactly look like I wanted them too...They were supposed to be Easter Eggs....FAIL...

There were new exercises on my workout routine that required me to go to the "guys" side of the know, with all those big machines that you rarely see girls using.  I am always self conscious when trying new things in front of people but it was just something I had to get over.  And that first time was really all it took, now I feel so much more comfortable moving around the gym and doing the new workout routines.  It's a good thing I love to feel the burn after working out because that is exactly what this routine gives me!!!  Good thing today was a rest day because I am still feeling the burn from Friday's leg workout.......I am starting to feel my body changing already although I don't think the pictures show what I see.

Week 1 Measurements3/31

Waist: 25"
Belly Button: 27"
Hips: 37.5"
Thighs: 20"
Arms: 10"

Beginning:                        1 Week: 3/30

Beginning:                One Week: 3/30

Beginning:                        One Week: 3/30

I still don't have this prepping routine down...I did better this weekend than last seeing how I had plenty more time.  Between meal prep, water tracking and gym gear I just get all frazzled.  I need to get myself organized before I start stressing out over these little things!!!

Monday, March 25, 2013

NPC Bikini Competition

I knew over a year ago that this is something that I wanted to do.  I allowed excuses to get in the way but now I am ready!!  If anyone out there doesn't know about the competitions you can check out the NPC website.  The bikini division requires the least amount of muscle building which is the look I am going for.  This is going to take an amazing amount of dedication.  Competition prep takes an every day effort.  I will not be able to compete in my first competition alone so I've found myself a coach; Justine Moore.  She's standing in the center of the above pic, winning first place!  She will be putting together my nutrition and workout plans and helping me out with all the details from beginning to the stage!  She has so much experience with competing and she is also a personal trainer and nutrition specialist. If you want to check out her Facebook click HERE !!!!

I am starting out at 124 lbs with 21.4% body fat...I can't wait to see how my body changes throughout this process.  I am also hoping to gain more self confidence (I hope so if I am going to get on stage in a bikini!) and network with other fitness lovers!


So my first competition is on June 1st, The NPC Long Island Championships.
I will have 10 weeks to prepare and I am ridiculously excited to start.  I've been prepping myself for the competition prep by being more dedicated to the gym, putting more into my workouts and eating clean so I'm hoping the transition to the program Justine created for me is easy.  It's definitely going to be a tough 10 weeks though and I am going to have to work my ass off but I am so ready to do it.  I'm going to try and post once a week, probably Sundays since that is my rest day, with updates on my progress and some other things as well so be sure to check back! :)   :)   :) 

"To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe."

Monday, March 4, 2013

Knowledge is Power

So I want to keep a list of everything that I learn along the way of this Fitness Journey.  Something to come back to in case I forget at some point what I've researched and where I got my information.  If you have any info to share regarding the questions I have please leave comments!

This post will be updated every few days so be sure to come back and check it out!

Q:  Are Protein Shakes only for pre and post workouts?  Is it pointless to have one on a rest day?

A:  Well I thought THIS article on would answer my question.  Although it didn't, it is still a good read about protein powder, for beginners. did have a little video about meal replacement shakes.  Meal replacement shakes are more than just protein so a whey protein shake definitely wouldn't be a good meal substitute idea.

Q:  What is the difference between Old Fashioned Rolled Oats and Quick Oats?

Q:  Does microwaving plastic give off cancer-causing chemicals?

Q:  When eating clean and training for any sort of fitness competition, why aren't bars (of any sort) put under the category of processed foods?