Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Week 4 and 5...

There is just not enough time in the day!  Have I said this before?  If I have it's because it is true and I have been struggling to find a balance between everything.  The constant tackling of my never-ending to-do list is making the days and weeks just fly by!

I got struck with food poisoning last weekend and I haven't made time to catch up on my posts...SORRY!  Before the sickness kicked in I was actually in the middle of a great photo shoot on the beach.  I am looking forward to working with this photographer again because we had a ton of great ideas that we did not get to try.  I will be posting the pictures on my facebook page soon but here is a teaser....

I am now more than halfway through my competition prep!!!  I am noticing more changes in my muscles now, especially in my lower body and obliques (I thought it would never happen!) and I am extremely happy with my progress!!!  So let me see...


Heels? CHECK

Competition Application? SUBMITTED 


Tanning Appointment?  BOOKED

Now I just have to...

Here are my 5 Week Progress Pics...

Since I don't post in my blog nearly as much as I would like, be sure to follow my other social media accounts to see what i'm up to :)

Monday, April 15, 2013

Week Three

What a busy week!  This one flew by even quicker than the last!  I lost a little bit of the balance I had thought I finally figured out...obviously as I am posting my weekend updates on a Monday!!  The quotes pretty much sums it up this week.  I love living a healthy lifestyle and I love to be challenged so this is the perfect sport for me.  This is certainly NOT an easy sport and my goals are not easy to reach.  That is what makes reaching a goal so rewarding...If it were easy then everyone would do it!!!  And all this hard work sure is paying off!  I met with my coach Justine yesterday for my first posing practice and got awesome feedback. My lower body and rear will need some more work but she is happy with how lean I am looking :) :)  Unfortunately I am not willing to put my first posing practice video out in the open yet!!! Soon...

I am even more excited to announce that I get to have cheat meals now!! Last night was my first one...and if you are following me on Instagram you already know that!  For those of you without IG I decide on Mexican  :)  Here is my delicious meal!!!

Veal with tropical sauce, black beans, rice and guac!!  AND for dessert I had a smores cake pop that I made....DELISH.  So excited that I get a cheat meals now...Perfect timing since I have a christening party this weekend for my God daughter and in a few weeks cake testing for my sister's wedding!  Even those who are not prepping for a competition can implement cheat meals into their diets (my definition of a diet is just how you are eating...I would use fad diets to describe what MOST people do to try and lose weight).  Being a healthy eater doesn't have to mean you deprive yourself of the foods you enjoy; Just limit yourself and know how to control your portions.  It will take some practice and some will power but soon enough it will become a habit and you will be living a healthier lifestyle!!!

Well I'm going to get to what we all want to see...Progress Pics!  Here are my 3 week progress pictures!!  And yes, I know those are not my bikini bottoms...I temporarily misplaced them!  Can't wait to get my competition suit!!!

Beginning:                       Week 3 (4/14/13):

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Week Two!

Week two was a little rough at times.  The diet is definitely the hardest part and it is tough to get caught up in all of the planning.  The workouts are going really well and I love all of the changes I am seeing.  I still can't believe that so much has changed in such a little time.  The last two weeks flew by!!  June 1st is definitely going to be here before I know it!  

Well I've already lost a few inches and a few pounds!  Here are my starting pictures compared to my Week 2 pics...

Beginning:                       Week 2 (4/6/13):
125 lbs                                        120 lbs



I ordered my heels (from snaz75.com) which will be here this week so I can start posing practice!!!  Now I have to start thinking of what kind of suit I am going to get....hmmm

I ended the week with a nice boost of motivation.  The NPC Steve Stone Metropolitan Championships were held yesterday in the city and I went to check it out!  It was really fun guessing who I thought was in the top 3 with the guy sitting next to me...I guessed right more than him :)  I know my stuff!!!  I also got to meet up with my coach Justine Moore who was working at the Met-RX table giving out samples.  I was bummed to not be able to try anything but did walk away with a little souvenir bag (I love my souvenirs!!)

Check out the photos on my Facebook page HERE...they would take up way too much space on here!