We're more than halfway through Friday! I can't wait to get out of work and NOT have to go to class tonight :) :) I thought I'd start sharing some of my workouts with you on Fridays for....FIT FRIDAY :-p
I've been changing up my routines for weeks now trying to find one that works best for me. I think everyone should do this. There is no cookie cutter plan that everyone will benefit from. We all are at different levels and have different things to work on.
I don't have enough time during my hour break to get my entire workout done plus shower so I decided to split it up today.
On my lunch break I did the following:
~5 min.Treadmill warm-up
~5 min. Dynamic stretching
Chest Flye 3 sets, 12 reps
-super set-
BOSU push-ups 3 sets to failure
Decline bench push-ups 2 sets to failure
-super set-
Incline bench push-ups 2 sets to failure
DB curls 3 sets, 12, 10, 8 reps
-super set-
EZ Bar curls to failure
~5 min. Static Stretching
I'm not going to include the weight because everyone is at a different intensity levels and I would not want someone to try the weight I do and risk hurting themselves.
I also want to do some CORE work today and here is what I have planned for later tonight...Some of these I am trying for the first time. I posted a link on my FB page earlier that has some good Core Exercises I'm not going to set a certain amount for anything...I'll just go until I feel I've worked my core enough :)
Overhead Circles holding weight
Leaning Camel
SLOW bicycle crunches
Stability ball roll outs
Straight arm to Forearm Planks (hold for 10 seconds before switching)