Let's continue from my last post! If you didn't read it, you should go do that now :)
Cajun Shrimp

Organic Brown Rice
And a much needed treat after being surrounded by pizza!! The biggest craving I've had since I started eating clean so strictly. Next time i'm experimenting with mug cakes!
Organic Wheat Flour
Natural Peanut Butter
Vanilla Extract
Organic Almond Milk
Drizzled with chocolate :-x !
So I crossed something new off of my goal list! I went to the gym every day for an entire week. Saturday is going to put a halt to my gym streak so i'll have to start over again on Sunday. I had a few things crossed off already when I made the list so here's some pics from them!
Some pics from the Tough Mudder I ran in October last year...

The only two pics I found on the Tough Mudder site because there were thousands to go through! The 'mud slides' (on the right) was so much fun! Had a smile on my face almost the entire race :)
My Souvenir t-shirt and race # from the 5k Penguin run I did in January. I'll be snowboarding this weekend so i'll miss the only two races I could have done this month...I guess my goal of running a race every month for an entire year will have to start over in March!
Now we're all up to date :)
"Giving up is the easiest thing you could ever do, but holding it all together when everyone expects you to crumble; that, is true strength."
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