Sunday, June 5, 2016

FIT TIP: Desk Job Downsides

The human body is not meant to be sedentary.  
When we are, bad things happen.  In this post i'm going to go over the negative impact on our muscles when we sit too much.  
I'll give you great stretches to reverse common muscle tightness from frequent sitting.  These will only help if you do them every day and even multiple times a day depending on how much time you spend in a seated position.
So if you have a desk job or find your self sitting for the majority of your day then you should pay attention and begin to incorporate the following stretches.

Let's start from the bottom and work our way up...

Even if you don't have a desk job, your feet are most likely going to be in a flexed position for most of the day.  Counteract the flex with two variations of this ankle/foot stretch;

Hold each variation 10+ seconds.

Gently come out of the stretch by leaning forward onto your hands.

Slowly roll your ankles in both directions & point/flex your feet.

Repeat a few times daily.

When sitting, your hips are in a hinged position.  The hip flexor muscles that cause this movement become so tight that they pull the pelvis forward causing back pain.  The glutes and core can also become weak points from this position.

Keep each leg in a 90 degree position.

Without pushing the front knee forward, sink your hips down & slightly forward.

Raise your arm straight up & over towards the side of the forward leg.

Feel the stretch in the rear leg.  Do not lean on to the front leg.

Keep your front leg at 90 degrees and your knee close to your body.

Let your hips sink low.

To intensify, twist towards the front leg, raising your arm straight up.

Keep you hips square.

Do not put too much weight into your upper body. It should be in your hips.

The foot of your front leg will be in line with the back leg.

Deepen the stretch by pulling your back leg up.

Crossing your legs makes things even worse.  When the muscles of the inner thighs become tight from holding the legs inward, they will pull at the femur and can cause knee pain.  With the opposite position of a widened stance, the muscles of the outer thighs can become tight.

In both, use your elbows to gently press the knees.

Keep your posture tall.
If your heels lift off the ground, place an object under your heels for support.  Your body weight should be in your heels.
Fold from your hips, not your back.

Keep your upper body relaxed.  

Do not let your shoulders be pulled toward your legs.

Pull from either your
Repeat with the other leg.

Sitting in front of a computer often leads to a hunched position.  The shoulders and head are forward cause tightness in the chest area and weakness in the back.

Place one hand behind your back.

Gently let your hand be heavy on your head as you pull to the opposite side.

Repeat on the other side.

Clasp your hands together behind your back and gently pull downward, close to your body.

Gently drop your head to either side or perform slow neck rolls.

Every stretch above is counteracting the position most people are in when sitting at a desk.  Doing these stretches multiple times a day is arguably better than one hour at the gym in regards to reversing the tightness.  

Take care of your body & stretch!!!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Fit Friday: Tabata + Southwestern Quinoa Salad Recipe


*4 groups of 2 exercises
*4 sets per group
* 30 seconds each exercise
*10-15 second break between sets
*1 minute rest between groups

Variation of band walks...


6 mini cucumbers, diced
1 container cherry tomatoes, diced
1 bag frozen corn, cooked and drained
1-2 cups purple cabbage, chopped
1/2 medium onion, finely chopped
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
Mexican seasonings, salt & pepper to taste

1/2 avocado
Juice from 1/2 small lime
Juice from 1/2 small lemon
Splash of rice wine vinegar
Hot sauce, salt & pepper to taste
Coconut water or regular water to thin to desired consistency

Beans, tofu, meat, etc...

Over 1-2 cups of lettuce and 1/2-1 cup of cooked quinoa.


Friday, May 13, 2016

FIT FRIDAY: Nutrition is simple...If you let it be

With all of the information out there regarding what is good and bad, healthy and unhealthy, when you should eat this or not eat that, etcetera, etcetera; How is anyone supposed to know what is healthy and what they really should be eating in order to keep their body healthy?
The answer is really very simple.  
In fact, most people probably already know what the best options are when it comes to healthy eating.  The problem is that we have been exposed to false knowledge and fake food.  We have grown up, or at least I have, in the era of convenience.  Convenience means more profit.  More profit means everything else is forgotten.  Especially the health factor.  Which means these convenient foods are not of the best quality.  Fatty, sugary, processed, and manufactured foods cause a reaction in our bodies making us crave them more.  The result is we don't end up getting what our bodies really need to function properly.
But anyways let's get to the 'secret answer'...

Was this answer a surprise to you?  It shouldn't be.  Natural foods are always going to be better than factory manufactured "foods".  By definition whole foods are foods that have been processed or refined as little as possible and are free from additives or other artificial substances.

Fruit, Vegetables, Whole Grains & Legumes.

Do you read the ingredients list on the products you buy?  If not, you should be!  What you eat is way more important than how many grams of carbs you are eating.  People being afraid of carbs is a whole other topic...  What you do not want to do is create an unhealthy relationship with food.  Putting restrictions on your diet can cause this to happen.  Changing your nutrition to include more plant foods in no way means that you can't have snacks or treats.  It just means you will be buying different brands.  And believe me, there are many treats and snacks that taste amazing but are much healthier than what I grew up with.  You just have to make the effort to include plant foods in your diet and choose healthier versions of snack foods.

Keep these in mind when changing your food habits...
The less you eat sugar filled, heavily processed or packaged "foods", the less you will crave them.
Do not completely cut out or restrict foods.  Changes to your diet should be gradual to allow you to adapt.  (habits are unlikely to be changed overnight)
The more satisfied your body is with nutritious foods, the less craving for calorie dense foods you will have and the less likely you will binge on unhealthy food.
The longer you practice the habit of eating whole foods, the easier it will become to say no to everything else that has little to no nutritional value.

It's really common sense.  
The question is; How badly do you want to be healthy?  
How badly do you want to feel full of energy...sleep better at night...improve your brain function...reduce your body fat...reduce or get rid of acne...reduce or get rid of digestion problems...have better skin...reduce risks of cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes & some types of cancer...
Make good choices today so you

As always, if there is something specific you'd like to see here comment below, on my Facebook page or email me: