Sunday, September 29, 2013

Homemade Peanut Butter Cups!

If you are following me on Instagram you may have seen this one....and if not, go find me :)  @nicolesfitlife !!

After months of seeing clean homemade peanut butter cups posted on Instagram I finally got around to making them myself.  The recipe I used comes from Chilali13 (  The recipe is also posted by laliandlayla.


Chocolate Layer: 1 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp peanut butter
1 tbsp agave nector
**I added a touch of extra peanut butter here .... <3 LOVE PB <3

PB Layer: 2 tbsp coconut oil
2 tbsp raw cacao
1 tbsp agave nector

 These are seriously so easy to make.  I didn't have any small cupcake papers so I just made 3 larger PB cups.   I put a chocolate later then stuck it in the freezer until it firmed up.  The next layer I spread peanut butter evenly in the center then a ring of chocolate around it, then back in the freezer.  I did that a couple times then just a chocolate layer on top!  


If you love peanut butter cups you MUST give this recipe a try!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Recipe Review: Fig Newtons!

A woman at work brought in fresh home grown figs.  I've never baked with them before but grabbed a few and decided I could find some sort of clean mug cake that used them in the recipe.  I found something better...Homemade Fig Newtons!!  I just have to say first how EASY they are to make.  Definitely a better way to eat the treat without the additives that make it an 'unclean' choice.

CLICK HERE for the recipe!  
is a blog by Melissa, who shares her healthy lifestyle journey, clean recipes and many tips!  You should go check it out...I already found many more recipes I would like to try making!

I substituted a I used agave nectar for maple syrup because I did not have it on  hand.  I also added a lot more cinnamon than the recipe calls for.  Keep in mind when rolling the dough, a good amount of flour was needed to keep it from sticking to the table.  When I made it, I cut the recipe in three so what you see here is how many that made!

So I got 12 fig newtons making 1/3 of the recipe.  Here is a picture  to show the size I made them...

ENJOY!  And don't forget to check out Melissa's website!!